Wednesday 19th June | 09:00 AM
Habitat & Wildlife Management
John Hamshare leads a panel on Habitat & Wildife Management
Our panel of aviation wildlife hazard management experts includes a regulator, an airport wildlife control coordinator and an international wildlife standards expert.
We will be discussing many topics and asking questions about how wildlife hazard management is changing:
  1. How does new technology compare to well-trained people, e.g. radars, thermal imaging, high-definition cameras etc. for detection; Sound pulses, drones, looming lights etc. for deterrence.
  2. Is climate change impacting the species we see at airports? – Short-term and longer-term species changes, habitat difficulties (more flooding, more drought?).
  3. How do biodiversity targets and developments influence hazardous bird presence.
  4. Is a Long Grass Policy still fit for purpose etc.?
  5. Insurance - who pays and what risks are faced? - Links between airports, other stakeholders, airlines.


Henrik Rothe 2023
Henrik Rothe
Senior Lecturer for Airport Planning & Design
Cranfield University
J Keegan (1)
Jack Keegan
Airside Safety & Compliance Manager
Bristol Airport
Adele Gammarano
Adele Gammarano
Airport Regulation, Safety & Operations Manager
Airport Operators Association
Lee Crawley
Performance & Improvement Manager
Me. sharepoint photo (1)
Pete Gibbs
Performance & Standards Manager.
Gennaro Carcassa
Operations Director
GH London